Join us

If you feel that you might be called to join us, please contact us to meet with a regional Vocation Director; just get in touch with us and we will respond and be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have, or feel free to visit us. After a time of initial contact with the friars, a candidate may find a true calling and all may then agree that God just might be directing them towards Franciscan life. After one submits some forms and documents (Baptismal and Confirmation certificates, an autobiography, medical examination, letters of reference, etc.) the preparation begins to enter Postulancy.

Introduction to Formation of a Friar:

1. Postulancy: Normally a one to two year immersion into the Franciscan way of life: prayer, classes, outreach ministries to the poor.

Postulancy is the first of the three stages of initial formation; it is a transitional stage between life in the world and religious life. It provides the candidate with a concrete experience of Franciscan life. Postulancy is a time of discernment during which the candidate lives with the friars to get a closer, “inside” view. The objective of Postulancy is to allow the candidate to discover if the Postulant fits into Franciscan life: his capacity for living in community (sharing, being responsible and getting along with others) and for prayer. It also permits the friars to discern the Postulant’s ability to live Franciscan life.

2. Incorporation or Novitiate: After the reception of the habit, the novice participates in an experience of “a-year-and-a-day” of deepening his understanding of his Franciscan vocation.

The Novitiate is a privileged time of profound spiritual experience, sustained accompaniment, and periodical evaluations. This powerful experience is conducted by a Novice Master, who can count on the support of the community. Novitiate is a structured time in an environment of prayer and fraternal life. At the conclusion of the Novitiate, the novice professes “temporary vows” that are renewed annually for at least three years before applying for “solemn vows” as a lifetime commitment.

3. Integration – Post-Novitiate: This stage takes many forms, as does our life, directed by the Holy Spirit, but usually will include:

Priesthood: the brother pursues studies as required for ordination {philosophy, theology, etc.)

Brotherhood: the brother pursues studies or attains experience appropriate for his focus of ministry.

Twice per year, the community evaluates the simply professed friar and gives thanks to God for all that He has accomplished in and through that person. This is our unique Franciscan call to prayer. Are you up to the challenge?